
Illustration + Animation
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Live from the stage/my workspace

Céline Keller

Changing the system is hard, but the ice caps are melting, forests are burning and people are dying. To keep the temperature rise anywhere near 1.5C, we have to build a tomorrow that’s based on zero emissions and social justice. This goal has to be at the core of everything we do, and we have to reach it as fast as we can. It's a daunting goal, but it is not an impossible one. If enough people become aware of the stakes and start fighting for it, together, we can learn how to reach it. That’s why I am “putting my talents where my values are”. It means being vocal about climate breakdown and the mass extinction of animal and plant life and using my skills, and as much time and energy as I can, on projects that promote social, climate and ecological justice.
My special interests are thinking about utopia, dystopia, and how storytelling can counter or (sometimes unintentionally) popularise the politics of the far right.